
HBO’s Silicon Valley Glossary

July 31, 2023 –– 5 min read

HBO’s Silicon Valley Glossary

HBO's Silicon Valley is one of my favorite TV shows of all time. I've watched the entire 6-season series eleven times now.

The first time I watched the series was in 2015, and back then I was still in college and my knowledge of software was still very limited - it still is - and so whenever I heard a technical term or a term that I thought was related to startups I'd write it down in my notebook to google it later. This note is the culminated list of all those terms I wrote down across 6 seasons.

Season 1 (2014)

Episode 1 - Minimum Viable Product

  • Vested stock options

Episode 2 - The Cap Table

  • Cap table
  • Investment Deck
  • Airtight Business plan
  • Go to market strategy
  • 3-year summary P&L statement
  • Tectonic shift
  • Customer acquisition strategy
  • DCF valuations (most VCs don’t do that, but some might?)
  • VCs ( Venture Capital)
  • Cross site scripting
  • Emergency database rollbacksFaulty transaction handlings
  • Low-overhead code
  • High order functions

Episode 3 - Articles of Incorporation

  • Emergency capital injection
  • AVL technology
  • Microclimates
  • Herb cohen

Episode 4 - Fiduciary Duties

  • DCT filter bank
  • DFT spider web
  • Aneurysm

Episode 5 - Signaling Risk

  • Burn-down chart
  • Rules base filtering
  • corporate colture
  • DRM & Error Handling
  • Scrum

Episode 6 - Third Party Insourcing

  • Cloud architecture
  • Orchestration
  • Persistence layer
  • Data schema
  • Database layers
  • Application layers
  • Chef scripts
  • DDL tables
  • regression test

Episode 7 - Proof of Concept

  • injestion engine
  • Core compression algorithm
  • Defects by priority
  • Ingestio
  • SoLoMo

Episode 8 - Optimal Tip-to-Tip Efficiency

  • Shannon coding
  • Huffman coding
  • Middle out algorithm
  • Lempel

Season 2 (2015)

Episode 1 - Sand Hill Shuffle

  • Down round
  • Runaway valuation
  • Cash flow break even
  • Acquisition

Episode 2 - Runaway Devaluation

  • Technical due diligence
  • h.264’s two dimentional grid
  • IPO

Episode 3 - Bad Money

  • Burn rate

Episode 4 - The Lady

  • Code of conduct
  • VP9 AVR to reduce bids
  • web RTC

Episode 5 - Server Space

  • Yactoseconds
  • Latency
  • Gigaflops
  • Zoning code

Episode 6 - Homicide

  • SWOT analysis

Episode 7 - Adult Content

  • Sales model
  • SQLI
  • XSS
  • Unauthorized kernel modules
  • Server hyperviser
  • Faraday cage
  • Sk3wl of r00t
  • Fork bomb

Episode 8 - White Hat/Black Hat

  • Scale up
  • Bitrate
  • Headroom
  • Compiling varnish
  • Caching manifest
  • P2P swarm
  • Underlying IP
  • DBAN
  • Kernel

Episode 9 - Binding Arbitration

  • Binding arbitration
  • Discovery documents

Season 3 (2016)

Episode 2 - Two in the Box

  • P2P delivery
  • Neural net deep learning
  • Severance package

Episode 4 - Maleant Data Systems Solutions

  • Differencing library

Episode 6 - Bachmanity Insanity

  • NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement)

Episode 7 - To Build a Better Beta

  • IP address and GPS coordinates (god-view)
  • Zip bomb

Episode 9 - Daily Active Users

  • DAUs
  • All-hands
  • Click-farm

Episode 10 - The Uptick

  • Zombie script
  • Due diligence
  • No-shop clause

Season 4 (2017)

Episode 1 - Success Failure

  • Push code
  • Turn server
  • Cap table
  • Decentralized
  • Back-channel
  • Perpetual license

Episode 2 - Terms of Service

  • semiosis
  • Hards on
  • bifurcate
  • Data repository
  • Vaporware
  • Parental permission requirements
  • COPPA (Children Online Privacy and Protection Act)
  • each violation of COPPA cost $16,000.00 per use
  • Terms of Service ToS
  • fiduciary duty
  • FTC
  • GDP
  • due diligence
  • Crisper

Episode 3 - Intellectual Property

  • Peer 2 Peer
  • Computational trust
  • VC fund
  • fully decentralized internet

Episode 4 - Teambuilding Exercise

  • Sybil Attack
  • royalty and equity
  • sadist / demented
  • delta in mean device effeciency
  • operating fees
  • compelutional nural net
  • (butch casedy)

Episode 5 - The Blood Boy

  • Frank Gary
  • Transfusion associate
  • parabiosis
  • baby shower baby Garcia
  • Tell-All
  • ReCode (mag?)

Episode 6 - Customer Service

  • Redfin (Website)
  • Come and practice
  • Gesture records
  • Merge error
  • Intrusion detection & prevention

Episode 7 - The Patent Troll

  • sonic wall
  • sonic .ace
  • TZ600
  • SSL decryption & inspection
  • application control
  • cease and desist
  • solutionism
  • over clock
  • discretion

Episode 8 - The Keenan Vortex

  • Microprocessor plant
  • counter offer

Episode 9 - Hooli-Con

  • Man in the middle attack with Pinaples
  • snub a person
  • Means to an end

Episode 10 - Server Error

  • Personal action plan
  • RAID 0 (no backup) if you lose a platter, you lose data.
  • server array
  • GNOME sequence analysis
  • Sherlock cluster (Stanford)
  • in-breach
  • OUI prefix in mac address
  • steamroll a person

Season 5 (2018)

Episode 2 - Reorientation

  • All hands Meeting
  • Ira glass

Episode 3 - Chief Operating Officer

  • Deal Memo

Episode 5 - Facial Recognition

  • Roko’s basilisk

Episode 8 - Fifty-One Percent

  • Inflection point
  • 51% attack
  • consensus protocol

Season 6 (2019)

Episode 5 - Tethics

  • John the ripper

Episode 7 - Exit Event

  • Curve25519 Encryption
Last updated: August 7, 2023